What parents of young children and child care providers want elected officials to know

RAPID 4th Anniversary Special Report

Since early on in the RAPID Survey Project, we have been asking parents and providers this open-ended question: What would you like your elected officials or other policymakers to know about how you and your family are doing and what you need during this time? We have received almost 30,000 answers.


What We Do


RAPID is a program of ongoing national and place-based surveys designed to gather essential information on the needs, health promoting behaviors, and well-being of young children and their caregivers.

Our objective is to make timely and actionable data on the experiences of parents, caregivers and young children available in an ongoing manner to support parent- and data-informed decision-making.

Stanford Center on Early Childhood

RAPID is based in the Stanford Center on Early Childhood. The SCEC conducts research and creates tools to support children, families, caregivers, and practitioners. The SCEC’s work spans research, policy, and practice essential to advancing the world’s capacity to nurture its youngest learners and help them reach their full potential. The SCEC is an initiative of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning.

Participate in the RAPID Surveys

Participants complete one of our brief surveys and receive $5 for their time. It’s as simple as that!