On Shaky Ground: Unpredictability in Ability to Pay for Basic Needs Affects Family Well-being
When families' financial circumstances are unpredictable, it leads to more emotional distress for both parents and children.
Who Is Providing for Child Care Providers?
American families rely heavily on child care providers, but providers have been struggling during the pandemic. This is taking a toll on their emotional well-being, which has the potential to adversely impact the care they provide.
Families with Young Children Are Burdened with Rising Debt
Families have been struggling considerably with debt and bills since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The more debt, the greater the emotional distress reported.
A Long Road and a Heavy Load: Material Hardship and Emotional Well-Being
In this fact sheet, we provide data on trends in rates of material hardship over the past year and explore the relationship between material hardship and the well-being of caregivers and children.
Mothers of Young Children Speak on Work During the Pandemic
The pandemic has caused women to disproportionately leave the workforce, take over childcare roles, and deal with the heavy consequences of these changes. With Mother’s Day approaching, we take a closer look at what women with young children are saying about work.
Stimulus Payments Were Essential for Families with Young Children
American Families are struggling to afford food and being forced to decide which basic needs they can afford and which they will go without this holiday season.